Monday, March 10, 2008

Green Living?

It may seem crazy but would it be possible to harness the energy from ourselves? Every movement we make creates energy, typing is just one example imagine if you were able to power your computer based on the pressure you applied to your keyboard. I was reading last week that a company is looking to harvest the energy created by rain droplets falling on rooftops through peizoelectricity or something like that. Wouldn't it therefore be possible to capture the energy of my fingers as I am sure they apply far more pressure than a raindrop would.

So I started this blog to talk about being sustainable but now all I can think about is all the wasted energy that is produced by people being alive. When you think about it thats all we are is energy. I once read somewhere that there is only a set amount of energy on Earth and that is just constantly changing form and never actually disappears. So where does all this energy go? It seems that this is what the focus of this blog is becoming, a random thought process attempting to understand the world around me. I have always been a questioner is that the right word...? Curious really. Curious about how things work and what happens to them. I think its crazy if we don't question what happens around us.

Energy right that was the topic. So lets create a hypothetical situation and really try to understand how much energy is contained within the earth. Is this a crazy thing to do? Maybe it is but then again maybe not. I have a rock and its filled with minerals. I take the rock and using heat from trees that I have cut down and then I need something to heat the rock in that also won't burn so how do I get this. What is the extraction process for obtaining precious and useful metals? Hmmm time to stop this blog and start another.

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